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android 5.0.2 op vmware (windows)

android 5.0.2 op vmware (windows)

Berichtdoor patrick » Wo Sep 02, 2015 21:56

android 5.0.2 op vmware (windows) TUT video:

download link vmware: ... _downloads

download link android 5.0.2: 2x click skip ad at the top right (klik 2x skip ad rechts bovenaan).

tutorial nederlands (dutch):
1. download android 5.0.2.
2. open vmware en klik op: "create a new virtual machine".
3. selecteer "installer disc image file (iso):" en selecteer android 5.0.2 (de download).
4. "virtual machine name" welke naam u wilt.
5. ik kies "store virtual disk as a single file"
6. selecteer "power on the virtual machine after creation" uit.
7. "edit virtual machine settings" zet ram naar 1GB of meer.
8. "play virtual machine".
9. selecteer "installation.....".
10. "create/modify partitions".
11. "new".
12. "primary".
13. klik enter.
14. "write"
15. "yes"
16. "quit"
17. "sda 1 Linux......"
18. "ext3"
19. "yes" 2 keer.
20. "reboot"
21. en nu start android op!

tutorial english (ENG):
1. Download Android 5.0.2.
2. open vmware and click on "create a new virtual machine".
3. Select "Installer disc image file (iso):" and select Android 5.0.2 (download).
4. 'virtual machine name' whatever name you want.
5. I choose "store virtual disk as a single file"
6. Select "power on the virtual machine after creation" out .
7. "edit virtual machine settings" set ram to 1GB or more .
8. "play virtual machine."
9. select "installation ....." .
10. "create / modify partitions " .
11. "new".
12. "primary" .
13. click enter.
14. "write "
15. "yes"
16. "quit"
17. "sda first Linux ......"
18. " ext3 "
19. "yes" two times .
20. "reboot"
21. and now starts android!
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